Sunday, June 14, 2009

Interpretation Project: Part III

I needed to take a picture of a “Help Wanted” sign in a gas station. My plan was to approach the cashier and nicely ask if I could put the sign (I bought) in their window and take a pic for my school project. Of course, being the courteous person that I can sometimes be, I went into this elaborate explanation of what the movie was for all the way down to the detail of who wrote the poem (don’t ask.). What I hadn’t planned on (as if I’d planned on anything past my blah, blah, blahing and nice smile… hey. It usually works for me, ok?) was the cashier asking me how a help wanted sign in their window related to a Robert Frost poem…

My idea was to show choices and compare how one can choose to work in a less-than-ideal environment or get an education. But how could I say that to the guy who is working behind the register? Of course, my poor planning led to an embarrassing rejection (which I have to say, I am not the most equipped to handle) and sent me back to the drawing board. Lucky for me, there was a fine old chap smoking outside of the one down the street who didn’t seem to care if anyone walked into, out of, or crashed landed on top of his establishment. His response to my newly adjusted pitch, “just as long as you put the sign up yourself.”

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